First Newsletter of the Constitutional Republic Party

January 31, 2023

In the past couple months we’ve set up the party website, bank account, and online donation platform. We have also formed our executive, platform, and convention committees. Whew!

The Constitutional Republic Party will be structured to ensure that checks and balances are restored on a national level giving power back to you, the people.

Save The Date!

June 3rd, 2023
Thunder Lodge in Long Prairie, MN

At our first convention meeting, we will elect board members and vote on items to be included on the platform. This event will truly symbolize the birth of the Constitutional Republic Party.

For those of you who are new to the party, here is an overview:

  • The Party will focus on bringing the country back to its roots–small government and limited governmental interference.

  • The Party’s guiding documents are the Constitution of the United States and the Declaration of Independence–simple documents about freedom and liberty, which is what the Party will aim to restore.

  • We will hold those in power and political office accountable for their actions–good and bad.

This week the Party released a statement, as well as a press release calling for the impeachment of Joe Biden for the mishandling of Government documents. We also made an appeal for member of congress to go through the same vetting process that everyone else needs to go through to have access to such documents. As it stands, clearance is simply based on winning an election. 

To grow this party, we need your help!

Share the Constitutional Republic Party website far and wide:

Join or donate to the Party

There are two types of memberships available. Whichever you chose, it will not affect your level of access:

Regular Membership: $50 a year

Plank Membership: $100 a year

The Plank Membership is limited to 100 members. No additional Plank Memberships will be offered after the first 100. This group will be tasked with safeguarding our principles and the Party. This group is responsible for approving any change to the Party principles. This group will have veto power if there is an attempted hostile takeover from another party, so it is very important to get those slots filled as quickly as possible!

If you are interested in a Plank Membership, but are short on funds, you are welcome to request Membership by Volunteer Action. Five hours of volunteer work will earn you a one year Plank Membership. Please get in touch should you wish to request this option!

Finally, I would like to thank all who have reached out about growing the Party. We have had inquiries from 5 different states and are actively working on getting set up in those states! This movement is going national.  

This is not a quick or easy process, so thank you for all your help. Without it, this wouldn’t be possible. 

Thank you,

Travis “Bull” Johnson
Chair, Constitutional Republic Party
2022 House of Representatives Candidate, MN-07


Our First Convention!